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How To Become Enlightened - Christ Consciousness Enlightenment Study (12 Rays o Conscious Christmas Web Course)

  • 12 Steps
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In this 12 Rays o Conscious Christmas course, you will learn the exact process on how to become an enlightened master and attain Christ consciousness - just like Jesus and the Buddha, with a step by step guide on achieving it this Winter Solstice / Christmas! Christmas, along with most o the holy rays throughout the year, was actually a time o celebration where people en mass would use the Winter Solstice alignment portal as a way o ascending their kundalini and becoming an enlightened master - attaining Christ Consciousness just like Jesus, Buddha, and all the ascended masters. Merry Christmas = Mary + Christ en mass, meaning people would balance the masculine and feminine aspects o their soul to become whole / holy. To achieve this, you must live the 'Life o Light' - a lifestyle that many religions teach that focuses on eating clean, alkaline and vegan, abstaining from orgasm and building your chi (light force / light). This course is the play back o 12 group study calls, discussing the following topics: + The Holy Science & Enlightenment + Veganism for becoming a Christ + Cleanliness is next to Godliness + Save your christ oil, build your chi + Addictions & avoiding temptation + Fasting over feasting + No Spirits - Natural legal highs + Feeling god through ‘Seasonal depression’ + Magic & methods to dealing with relatives + Natural vegan home made gifts + Becoming a Christ - Step-by-step guide to enlightenment + Megalith Solstice Magic From becoming a Christ, escaping the matrix, magic and health, we're going to be looking at the way an enlightened master would celebrate Christmas, how to have a 'conscious christmas' and celebrate with family and friends whilst still keeping on your highest, most lightful path.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
2 Plans Available
From £6.99/month


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