Changing Our tune
Toray's practice is a handy quick spell to have in your tool kit as a way to shift your energy instantly, raising your frequency and dissolving any negative in your field.
As I was editing this video I felt I missed something important to share- it’s something thats come up with me personally over the last few rays and I know we’ve had a few chats in the group about it too..
I wanted to share that even if you are living a lightful life and working hard to keep your vibration high, bad things can still happen, you can still have lows and it's all a part o the process. I talk a lot in this video about how bad things happening equates to being on a lower timeline and although this can be true, there can also be exceptions!
When things don’t go light, it doesn't automatically mean that you're a bad person or being punished or have bad energy, sometimes these things happen as a test to see whether we're really about these 'high vibe' techniques and whether we are going to put our tools into practice when things get tough.
They can be echos o our old energy and self that still hasn’t cleared so it appears that we aren’t on our highest timeline but these are just the remnants o old manifestations playing themselves out.
Other times we can find ourselves more targeted than usual because spiritually speaking we become more o a threat to the 'system' the more that we ascend.
Sometimes you can be on your highest timeline yet still experience challenges as that may be what your soul has chosen for you to grow through as that is the exact medicine you need to become who you were always meant to be.
Whenever you find yourself going through it, ramember that these challenges can be your next opportunity to raelly level up and see on the other side how much strength, support and guidance you actually have.
Blind faith, a little bit o magic and a lot of deep breaths to ground our energy is key, and I promise things will always get better. You will look back on those moments be so grateful to yourself for getting through them with as much grace, compassion and self love as you did.
Change the things you can, and let go o the things you can't, allow the process, feel the feelings but don’t stop to wallow in them, do the practices, do some grounding, eat well, say the spells, support and uplift yourself as much as you can.
Gods got you.
Gab x